Escena Sur Contemporary Chilean Plays
Escena Sur: Contemporary Chilean Plays in New York City is a series of public staged readings in a mini Festival Format that introduces part of the current Chilean reality in contemporary playwriting. These plays were selected from the book “Dramaturgia Chilena Contemporánea: Antología”, published by Paso de Gato, a Mexican imprint.
The public staged readings were led by Spanish-speaking directors such as Daniel Irizarry, Roberto Cambeiro, Daniela Thome, Tatiana Pandiani, Kyoung H. Park and Stebos.
LaMicro Theater wants to introduce these plays and at the same time to work in collaboration creating bridges and dialogues between our diverse communities. Two of the plays had simultaneous translation in order to bring a more diverse audience.
Special thanks to New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA), Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC), Art- New York, and the Chilean Consulate